
Updated: 8/19/2020


  1. Click login button.
  2. Enter credentials.
  3. Message in bottom left corner will say “logged in”.

Connect to a bot

  1. After logging in, click the “bot” button.
  2. The bots you own will appear in the dropdown, select your desired bot.
  3. Message in bottom left corner will say “started bot #”.

Start a new match

  1. If you started a new bot, or if the set scores are blank, you need to start a new match by clicking the “new match” button.
  2. When a match is started, all values are initialized, and you are ready to begin scoring.

Please start a new match

New match has been started

Enter player names

  1. Click on the “player01” or “player02” buttons.
  2. Enter player name.
  3. Player name appears on the player button.

Click on player button

Enter player name

Player name is set

Assign Serve

  1. To indicate the current player serving, press the tennis ball icon.
  2. A tennis ball icon will appear next to the player who is serving.

Click serve indicator

Serve is set

Award Game Points

  1. To award game points to a player, hit the + or – buttons beneath a player’s name.
  2. The points will cycle through the possible points scenarios: (0, 15, 30, 40, Game).
  3. In the case of a 40-40 game, deuce scoring automatically begins.
    • The deuce button turns red.
    • Scoring scenario (40, ADV, Game)
  4. When a game is won, "GA" will be displayed.

Award a game point

Game point awarded

Deuce situation

Game won

Award game

  1. When a game has been won, game score will display “GA”.
  2. To award this game to a player, increment the current game by pressing the + button next to the game number indicator.
    • Game number will increase by 1.
    • Game will be award in set score.
    • Game scores will reset to 0-0.
  3. To go back a game, press the – button next to the game number indicator.
    • Game number will decrease by 1.
    • Game will be unscored, and you will be asked to provide the correct set score.
    • Game points will return to 0-0.

Increment game

Game awarded

Award set

  1. When a set is complete, you can score the set by pressing the + button next to the set number indicator.
  2. When the app determines the winner of the set, their match score (next to player name) will be incremented and their set score will turn green.
  3. A set can be scored at any time, there are no rules governing how many games must be played before you can score it.
  4. You cannot score a set that is tied.
  5. To go back a set, press the – button next to the set number indicator. The match score will be decreased, and set will be unscored.

Advance a set

Set has been scored

Tie breaks

  1. If a set goes to a tie break, or if you are scoring a game with a 3rd set tie breaker, simply press the “tie break” button.
    • Button will turn red when tie breaks are activated, and a new row will appear under the game score.
  2. To score the tie break, simply use the + and – buttons.
  3. The tie break score will appear as a superscript above the set score
  4. When the tie break is done, advance the set to score the tie break.
  5. There are no rules governing when a tie break can begin, so you can even start a tie break in a 0-0 set.

Start a tie break

Tie breaks are displayed in the set score

Tie breaks can happen at any time!